Tonight at Celtic Connections there is a timely celebration of Marina Records, a label responsible for some of my favourite albums over the years. Theirs is an interesting story. An indie-label founded by Stefan Kassel and Frank Lähnemann in 1993 in Hamburg, Marina Records became the home of some of the classiest Scottish pop music around. If ever a label should be celebrated for their auspicious work in promoting Scottish music and supporting musicians it is Marina, and this is the opportunity to do just that.
The Mitchell Theatre gig is part of the label’s 25th birthday festivities – which included the bumper anniversary compilation Goosebumps – and sees the appearance of many Marina artists, including James Kirk, Malcolm Ross, Duglas T. Stewart, The Pearlfishers, Cowboy Mouth, The Secret Goldfish, Jazzateers, The Kingfishers, The Bathers, Sugartown, Colin Steele, The Magic Circles and Starless. That is undoubtedly musical bang for your buck.
You can buy tickets here – but be quick as it’s almost sold out, and get there in plenty of time to see the fabulous Fenella who is the support.
To convince you further, here are five of my favourite songs which came out, thanks to Marina:
The Bathers – If Love Could Last Forever
June & The Exit Wounds – Let’s Shack Up Together
The Pearlfishers – Flora Belle
Sugartown – Valentine
Roddy Frame – Live – Your Smile Has Stopped The Hands Of Time
As you can hear, it’s going to be a night of sheer quality. Hope to see you there…