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Our Friends In The North: The Braemar Gallery Presents - Mt Doubt & Adam Ross...


As bands and musicians take to the road once again, our friends at the Braemar Gallery are putting on gigs once again at Braemar Village Hall, starting with a terrific double-bill of Mt Doubt and Adam Ross.

Leo Bargery (Mt Doubt & Winter Moves), and Adam Ross (Randolph's Leap, A.R. Pinewood & The Polychromes) play solo sets in one of the most beautiful settings in Scotland - smack in the heart of the Cairngorm Mountains - as part of their Highlands & Islands Tour later this month.

A perfect pairing, these are two of Scots Whay Hae!'s favourite songwriters and this is the perfect time and place to find out just why that is.

Click here to get you tickets and I hope to see you there.

You can find out what else is going on with The Braemar Gallery, including future gigs, by following on Facebook & Instagram, or over at .

In the meantime, here's a couple of examples of the music Mt Doubt and Adam Ross make:


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