Scots Whay Hae! has a long and loving history with Edinburgh record label Errant Media and their twin driving forces Sean Ormsby and Stephen McLaren. It’s one which goes back to the days of Permawhale Records when Sean was part of Night Noise Team, and Stephen was in the band Collar Up, and it was sealed when the two appeared on the SWH! podcast where they set out the ideas and inspirations behind Errant Media.
Since then the label has become home for their recorded output, producing a small but perfectly formed back catalogue which includes releases from Errant Boy, Locked Hands, Stephen McClaren’s solo work, and Sean and Stephen together as Blue Tiles, an electronic duo who used to be known as Shards and whose music I loved from first listen.
Blue Tiles have an album out, the unusual but aptly named Melancholitronica, and you can hear the latest release from it right here and now as Scots Whay Hae! has the exclusive first play of ‘Never Stand A Chance Alone With You’.
Haunting yet urgent electronica matches the mournful vocals and thoughtful lyrics. Like the very best pop music it hooks you in with its melodies, and then breaks your heart without you realising it. It is sharp, sensual, and soulful, made by two musicians who understand each other perfectly. Put all of that together and it makes for the perfect introduction to the album, and what Blue Tiles do. Listen now and see that I’m right…
Ten years in the making – as long as SWH! has been in existence – with the release of Melancholitronica it feels like a great lost album of the last decade is finally with us just as it comes to a close. I am here to tell you it’s been well worth the wait.