Tomorrow (Sat 16/4/16) is
Record Store Day 2016, and all across the land this evening chairs are being unfolded, sleeping bags zipped and cheap alcohol consumed in a bid to get those through the night who are willing to stand in line for new releases and rarities which the day always brings.
A lot of people have mixed feelings about the now annual event, with many suggesting that it has moved away from its distinctly admirable indie beginnings to become just another way to make music lovers pay through the nose for music they often own already in another form.
However, many independent record stores claim that the day can guarantee their survival for another year, and that can’t be a bad thing, can it? It has also been in no small part responsible for the resurrection of vinyl as a format due to the collect ability of the exclusive releases, as well as being a great day for live music, and you can click here for just a few suggestions as to who to see around Scotland.
You can have the arguments as to Record Store Day’s pros and cons at another time, and we’ll be spending at least part of the day doing just that, (more of which soon), but here and now we give you the Scots Whay Hae! Top Ten of the best music to spend your hard earned on. In alphabetical order, they are…
The Associates – A. Party Fears Two B. Australia (Previously unreleased version produced by John Leckie) – BMG -7″ in card sleeve, blue-green vinyl
Django Django – Unreleased Versions & Remixes Vol 1 – Because/ADA – unreleased mixes and a cover version
The keen brained among you will have noted that is only nine. That’s because I was leaving the best till last, with all due apologies to the above. It’s a 7″ version of one of the greatest songs ever written, Talking Heads’ This Must Be The Place (Naive Melody). So good, I’ll overlook the Echosmith cover on the B-side.
Best of luck. You may need it…